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Rocky Mountain Health Plans - RAE - Links to Health Information

File a complaint about access to behavioral health care 

Your health plan is subject to the Mental Health Parity Addiction Equity Act of 2008. This means that your covered behavioral health benefits cannot be more difficult to access than physical health benefits. A denial, restriction, or withholding of behavioral health services could be a potential violation of the parity act. File a complaint with the Behavioral Health Ombudsman Office of Colorado if you have a parity concern. 

Behavioral Health Ombudsman Office of Colorado 

Wac: 303-866-2789 

Email: ombuds@bhoco.org

Onlayn: bhoco.org 

A representative of the Ombudsman Office will call or reply to you directly. You can also ask your behavioral health provider or guardian/legal representative to file a complaint for you.

Learn more about Rocky Mountain Health Plans RAE

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