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Tusmada Ugu Weyn

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan for FamiliesRaadi Agabyo

Hel Bixiye Daryeel

Use this tool to search our network of health care providers for specialists, hospitals, laboratories, X-ray centers, pharmacies and more.

Remember, your primary care physician makes referrals to other health care providers for you. Also, when visiting a specialist, be sure to identify yourself as a member and present your ID card.

Hel Bixiye Daryeel

Links and Resources
LabCorp Laboratories

Preferred Drug List

Foomka Lacag celinta Xubnaha Tooska ah

Hel dhakhtarka ilkaha

To search for a dental provider, click on the link below, select a location, and then choose the name of your health plan.

Search for a dental provider

Hel Farmashiye

Search for a UnitedHealthcare network pharmacy below.

Raadi Farmashiye

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