U gudub tusmada ugu weyn
Tusmada Ugu Weyn

New Mexico LTSS - Links to Additional Information


Ka xubin ahaan hal gujin keliya ayaa kaa xigta wax kasta aad u baahan tahay si aad mas'uul uga noqoto macaashyada caafimaadkaaga ee gaarka ah. Iska diiwaangeli myuhc.com oo arag sida aaladaha xoogga leh iyo sifooyinka cusub kuugu beeqaamin karaan waqtiga oo kaaga caawin karaan inaad caafimaad-qabto. 


xiriiriyeyaasha healthfinder® ee macluumaadka iyo mareegaha sida taxadarka leh looga xulay 1,700 kuwa hay'adaha caafimaad.


Xubin ka mid ah UnitedHealthcare Community Plan ahaan, hal gujin keliya ayaad u jirtaa wax kasta oo aad u baahan tahay si aad u maamusho macaashka caafimaadkaaga gaarka ah. Iska diiwaangeli myuhc.com oo arag sida aaladaha xoogga leh iyo sifooyinka cusub kuugu beeqaamin karaan waqtiga oo kaaga caawin karaan inaad caafimaad-qabto.

PEARLS - Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives peer Support

PEARLS helps individuals to lead more active and rewarding lives. Depression, social isolation and lack of physical and social activity is an ongoing area of opportunity among older individuals. Peer relationships are especially important to older individuals in New Mexico who experience the third highest risk of social isolation

findhelp – Look for free or reduced-cost resources like food, housing, financial help, health care and more at findhelp.org.

Share NM – Look for community resources and social services, such as child care, senior services, education, housing and moreat sharenm.org.

The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department – Find resources to help achieve lifelong independence.

State of New Mexico Dept. of Human Services


Learn more about New Mexico LTSS

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